Children’s footcare provides specialized podiatry treatment for children and teens. At Foot and Ankle Center, LLC, in Marrero, Louisiana, board-certified podiatrists and foot and ankle surgeons, Catherine Hudson, DPM, Denise Elliott, DPM, and the team offer various children’s footcare services, including diagnosis and treatment of plantar warts, ingrown toenails, and nail fungus. Call Foot and Ankle Center, LLC, today to make an appointment for your child or book online.

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What is children’s footcare?

Children’s footcare is a podiatry subspecialty that diagnoses and treats foot and ankle conditions in kids and adolescents.

Children experience many of the same foot and ankle issues as adults, but they often present different symptoms. What’s more, since kids grow rapidly and lead active lives, they’re more susceptible to foot pain and mobility issues.

What types of issues does children’s footcare treat?

The Foot and Ankle Center, LLC, team uses children’s footcare to treat various issues, including:

Ingrown toenail

If your child’s toenail grows into their skin, seek treatment immediately. The further the nail extends, the more likely it is to cause an infection. Foot and Ankle Center, LLC, offers same-day treatment for painful ingrown toenails.


Warts are round, skin-colored growths that form on the weight-bearing areas of your child’s feet. Though painful, the Foot and Ankle Center, LLC, team offers several in-office treatments for warts, including cryotherapy, laser therapy, and salicylic acid.

Flat feet

All children have flat feet at birth, but their arches usually develop by age six. That said, about 2 of every 10 people never form arches. Custom orthotics can provide lasting relief if your child has flat feet and complains of foot or ankle pain.

Heel pain

Children who run and play sports are susceptible to heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis and heel spurs. Your child’s podiatrist can determine the underlying cause and help them return to their favorite activities.

If your child experiences any type of foot or ankle issue, it’s important to have them evaluated at Foot and Ankle Center, LLC.

What does children’s footcare involve?

The Foot and Ankle Center, LLC, team takes a conservative and minimally invasive approach to children’s footcare. They may recommend:

  • Taking anti-inflammatory medication
  • Physical therapy
  • Custom orthotics
  • Prescription shoes
  • Cryotherapy or peeling medication (for wart removal)
  • Minimally invasive surgery

The goal is to reduce your child’s discomfort and help them return to their favorite activities.

How can I keep my child’s feet healthy?

There are various things you can do to help keep your child’s feet healthy. The Foot and Ankle Center, LLC, team recommends examining your child’s feet and toes daily, keeping their toenails trimmed and filed, and regularly inspecting their shoes to make sure they fit.

Call Foot and Ankle Center, LLC, today to request a children’s footcare appointment for your child or book online.